She chooses dogs pictures, pet animals also named Puppy.
So we speak about diminutives of a few words :
Merry, Happy, ... drunk
Theme : Pro's and Con's of
Country vs City life
calm, quiet shopping, restaurants, pubs
a lot of vegetation, plants, flowers markets, culture, movies
woods, spaces, walking public transportation friendly animals, cattle many schools, hospitals
door to door merchants
long distances of anything air pollution, crowd foule
no movy, no high school ... noisy, smelly(sentir mauvais)
wasps & flies speedy (everyone in a hurry)
gossip ragots indifference, anonymous
small flats (apparts petits)
lack of space, too many cars
household appliances boutique app ménagers
night hawk oiseau de nuit
car pool co-voiturage
swimming pool piscine
take turns faire à tour de role
take turns faire à tour de role
age well bien vieillir
wind prononcer comme ds ail , like, wine
wind, pepper, water, flour mill (moulins à ...) but we say ...
grind the coffee, maïs
kind sorte et aussi gentil
Accent about ity in finale
= accentuer sur la syllabe qui précède le ity
ano'nymity, but we say anonymous
aud'acity, sim'plicity, ca'pacity
Tea Time
cider and delicious cakes cooked by Laurence
authentic, genuine recipe and BONA FIDE.
The Riddle
What kind of dog is this puppy ?
wind prononcer comme ds ail , like, wine
wind, pepper, water, flour mill (moulins à ...) but we say ...
grind the coffee, maïs
kind sorte et aussi gentil
Accent about ity in finale
= accentuer sur la syllabe qui précède le ity
ano'nymity, but we say anonymous
aud'acity, sim'plicity, ca'pacity
Tea Time
cider and delicious cakes cooked by Laurence
authentic, genuine recipe and BONA FIDE.
The Riddle
What kind of dog is this puppy ?
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